
Information Area:
You can use this area to add bits of information or links to other sites or for small pictures no wider than 150 pixels.

AllWebCo Templates are built using basic HTML. This makes it easy for you to add new features like Javascript or CGI programs.

Picture Gallery One
You can add as many galleries as you need to your website. All you need to do is copy and paste a new page and then set a link for the next page. This template also comes with paypal ordering forms.

Click picture for close up view

ITEM 1-1
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.

ITEM 1-2
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.

ITEM 1-3
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.

ITEM 1-4
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.

ITEM 1-5
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.

ITEM 1-6
Title or Info
This area of the website is for special items you wish to display with elaborate descriptions. To update this area simply overwrite the picture files in the gallery directory and modify this text. You can also add a Paypal form or other on-line payment configuration for product ordering.



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AllWebCo Design & Hosting
©Site Design 2011